Menstruation is a gift

Do you feel the complete opposite? That menstruation is more of a punishment than a gift? Let’s be honest—it can feel like a major drag. The cramps, the PMS… “Thanks, but no thanks,” right?

But hear me out—I want to convince you otherwise 😉. The menstrual cycle truly is a gift when you learn how to work with it. It’s like an inner compass that offers deep insights into your emotions, your rhythm, and your needs. It highlights what’s too much for you, what’s missing, and what you truly require. Once you learn to read this compass, navigating through life becomes so much easier.

The Real Problem: Not Understanding Your Cycle

When I first started tracking my menstrual cycle, I had no idea what to expect. But by my second month, I had an eye-opening “aha!” moment.

I realized I was writing down exactly the same feelings, thoughts, and experiences on the same day of my cycle as I had the month before.

For example, on Day 19 of my cycle in April, I felt exactly the same way—exhausted and irritable—as I did on Day 19 in May. It was like clockwork.

That’s when it hit me: I was stuck in a recurring pattern, thinking and feeling the same way every month without realizing it. It was happening beneath the surface, unnoticed in the chaos of daily life. But once I turned my focus to it—like shining a flashlight into a dark corner—it became so clear.

The Strengths and Challenges of Each Phase

Each phase of your cycle is marked by unique strengths and challenges. These traits are deeply personal and vary for every woman, but once you recognize them in yourself, you gain an incredible advantage. Understanding how your emotions, energy, libido, and social needs shift throughout your cycle can transform your daily life—both inside and out.

This is where your cycle starts to feel like a gift.

Here’s a quick overview of the phases (for more information about the phases click >here):

How to Start Tracking Your Cycle

To uncover these phases for yourself, start by keeping a menstrual calendar. Each day, jot down how you feel—your energy levels, emotions, cravings, or any patterns you notice. Over time, you’ll start to see rhythms emerge.

For example, you may notice that you feel social and energetic during one phase, while craving solitude and comfort in another. These patterns are key to understanding yourself better.

To make things easier, I’ve created a menstrual calendar that you can download below. It’s a simple tool to help you start observing your unique cycle.

What I Discovered Through Cycle Tracking

By keeping a cycle journal, I discovered so much about myself. I began to recognize my needs and respond to them with compassion. I stopped treating every mood swing as a world-ending crisis and learned to manage my emotions—especially during the challenging autumn phase 😈.

The biggest shift came from realizing that everything I was feeling was just part of a phase. And like all phases, it would pass.

Over time, you can go even deeper by questioning destructive thought patterns and learning how to work through them.

Be Gentle With Yourself

Remember, this is a process, and it takes time. Don’t put extra pressure on yourself. Simply observe your cycle and let things unfold naturally.

Be kind to yourself. Hug yourself, even if it feels a little silly (don’t worry—you don’t have to do it in public 😏). And most importantly, smile warmly at your heart—it deserves it.

Ready to Get Started?

Here’s the menstrual calendar I promised! Download it, start observing, and enjoy the process of getting to know yourself on a deeper level. I hope it brings you as many insights as it brought me.

Have fun exploring! 😍

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