Discovering My Path to Self-Love

My Story
Meet me, myself and I
Hi, I’m Jullia and I am a woman with a Master’s degree in Psychology and a passion for personal development, meditation, self-love, and exploring the feminine cycle. Through these, I lovingly and gently push beyond my comfort zones, live a more conscious life, and slowly fulfill my dreams.
It brings me great joy to show women a path through which they can build a relationship with themselves, ignite inner warmth, and live a life where slowly, everything—both possible and impossible—becomes possible 🙂
How I got here
Today, I (try to) live consciously every day. I know myself. I can manage myself—my feelings, emotions, thoughts, fears, and self-doubt. I know what I need and when. I am self-aware and continuously expand my comfort zone. I trust myself and believe in myself and my abilities. And I feel connected to myself. That’s pretty cool.
But it definitely wasn’t always like this. Since my youth, I’ve been plagued by self-doubt, low self-esteem, and a lack of self-confidence—of course, all unconsciously and so well hidden behind a facade of optimism and cheerfulness that even I didn’t recognize it (ironically, it’s hardest to be honest with yourself…). During my studies, however, I slowly lost my sense of direction. I wanted something, I needed something, but I didn’t know what it was.
I often marveled at how numb I felt…when I really allowed myself to feel deeply. My life was a rollercoaster of wildly shifting moods and a general dissatisfaction with life. My inner mindset back then was: Never let anyone see that I’m vulnerable.
But sometimes it became too much for me, and the tears would flow like a waterfall. I felt lost. Alone. Lonely. I didn’t know what I was missing (because theoretically, I had everything), but there was definitely something missing.
The Turning Point
In 2015, the key event happened. I fulfilled my long-held dream and spent all my savings to fly to Bali. How amazing! A two-week trip, including Qi Gong and a self-discovery seminar. But what I didn’t see coming: my old life completely shattered there. All my self-illusions popped like soap bubbles, and the pain hidden within them came to light. I saw the truth.
After Bali, I found myself in an emotional chaos. At a certain point, when the inner pressure, pain, and dissatisfaction became almost unbearable, and I felt like I would drown in it, I sat down…
…on the terrace, in the cold, and meditated. I consciously inhaled and exhaled the cold, fresh air, trying to integrate everything I was feeling and thinking. Oh, what a relief! What a sense of warmth in my chest! It was then and there that I made the decision to meditate every day from that point onward. And this commitment continues to this day.

At the same time, I began gathering information about feminine cyclicality (something I had heard about for the first time in Bali). I was fascinated. A completely new world opened up to me. Yes, I was aware that women have a menstrual cycle, but no, I hadn’t realized that it consists of four distinct phases, which significantly impact our energy levels and emotional well-being and therefore our daily lives.
There they were, my two heroines who pulled me out of the mud: meditation and my own menstrual cycle. Who would have thought?